Friday, November 16, 2012

holocaust in the US?

in my opinion, there could be a holocaust in the US, but not until the government falls or major political instability. there are white supremest groups in the deep south and mid west ready to start race wars and control the government. If that should come to pass, every minority such as blacks, Mexicans, Jews, homosexuals, Muslims these are the major "problem" to them. they would follow the things Hitler has done, what we have done to the Native Americans, and all the atrocities that were committed during WWII. they have a sort of "bible", the book made by Hitler Mein Kumph. 

i believe if they were to take control, the start would be in the south west where most of the racist whites are.   chances are that they wouldn't start by rounding people up, i think they would just go house to house and shoot people on the spot. eventually, they might start to round people up in large houses, seal the doors and windows, and set the houses on fire. some of them might even gas them just as their Nazi "brothers" have in the past.     

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